Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Informative Speech Plan Essay Example for Free

Informative Speech Plan Essay TITLE: The Scientific Explanation of Dreams SPECIFIC SPEECH PURPOSE: To inform my audience about the scientific explanation of common dreams of humans based on theories and studies which have been gathered at the present time. THESIS STATEMENT: Finding meaning in dreams is a recent subject in the field of psychology and science, the most frequent are traumatic dreams, recurrent dreams and typical dreams, all of which have back up theories aimed to explain its occurrence. INTRODUCTION ATTENTION STEP: Have you ever felt like your dreams mean something to you? Have you ever thought that your dreams have certain connections with perhaps, the future, your life? I for one often dream about the people I’m going to see on a certain day or even the weirdest things like celebrities or my long time crushes. I dream a lot, and I can’t help but think about why I dream of the same things over and over again and why I often dream about things which much to my surprise happens when I wake up. CLARIFICATION STEP: Sleep is our body’s way of rejuvenating the brain’s memories or giving ourselves a break from all the day’s stress, pressure, exhaustion and work. But alongside it, comes dreams. All of us dream right? We dream about random thoughts, people and phenomenon. So today, I will discuss the underlying concepts and theories of the most common dreams namely, traumatic, recurrent, typical and recurring. BODY I. Dreams are defined as sequences of images, thoughts, emotions and feelings occurring reluctantly in the brain during certain stages of sleep. II. There are four types of dreams which are common to people. A. The first type is a traumatic dream. 1. Traumatic Dream is a major symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder. Traumatic dreams, now understood as a major symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder, are experienced by soldiers in war, people engulfed in natural catastrophes, individuals involved in terrible accidents, and women and children who have been raped or assaulted. They are notable because they tend to repeat the traumatic event in all its emotional detail and horror. People suffering from traumatic dreams often dread the thought of going to sleep. 2. Freud put war neurosis dreams to the side by saying that the function of dreaming, like so much else, is upset in this condition, traumatic neuroses and diverted from its purposes. Still, when it came to dream theory, Freud (1920:13) put war neurosis dreams to the side by saying that the function of dreaming, like so much else, is upset in this condition [traumatic neuroses] and diverted from its purposes. In his final formulation on dreams, he admitted that traumatic dreams did not fit his theory, but nonetheless stuck with the old theory by saying the exception does not overturn the rule (Freud, 1933:29). . Instead, we should begin with the most difficult of dreams, traumatic dreams, and search for a theory encompassing them as well as wish fulfillment dreams. 3. These dreams are real dreams experienced by the dreamer, it deals emotional problems people cannot handle, they decrease in frequency and the way these dreams reappear become images for new stressful situations. The most systematic studies on traumatic dreams concern Vietnam veterans because they can be studied in large numbers due to their common experience; then, too, they also make themselves available to researchers through VA hospitals. It is this work that makes it possible to go beyond a mere summation of a wide variety of individual instances in a search for generalizations. First, the combat soldiers who suffered later from traumatic dreams were younger, less educated, and more likely to be emotionally involved with a close buddy who was killed or injured as compared with non-sufferers with similar combat experiences. Those who did not have such dreams put up a wall between themselves and other people while in Vietnam; they decided very early not to become emotionally close to anyone (Hartmann, 1984:209). Second, the dreams begin to change slightly over time as the person recovers, gradually incorporating other elements and becoming less like the exact experience. Put another way, the traumatic dreams slowly come to resemble ordinary dreams (Hartmann, 1984:219). Third, there seems to be a decline in traumatic dreams if they are discussed in groups with other veterans who suffer from them (Wilmer, 1982). Hartmann (1984:238-239) reports early discussion also seems to decrease such dreams in those who suffer from other kinds of traumas as well. Finally, those who have recovered often suffer a relapse to the old dream content when faced with new stressorsWe draw the following implications from the work on traumatic dreams. First, such dreams should not be put aside as exceptions of one sort or another. They are legitimate, real dreams, and they are experienced as dreamlike by the dreamers. Second, these dreams deal, quite obviously, with emotional problems that have overwhelmed the person. They are about emotional events that people cannot handle or assimilate or master, to use several different words to capture aspects of the difficult experience we are here trying to comprehend. Third, the dreams decrease in frequency and become altered in content to the degree that the experience is assimilated. Fourth, the way in which the experiences sometimes reappear when new problems arise suggests the old traumas have become metaphors for new stressful situations. Traumatic dreams, then, reflect a preoccupation with problems we have not resolved. This is a possible starting point for a theory to explain what we dream about. Before making too much of one type of dream, however, it is necessary to look at the closest relative of traumatic dreams, the recurrent dream, to see what conclusions can be drawn from studying it. B. The second type is recurrent dream. 1. Recurrent dreams are often triggered by a certain life situation, a transitional phase in life or a problem that keeps coming back again and again. 1. Recurrent dreams are most often reported to begin in childhood. 2. Recurrent dreams are often reported to begin at times of stress, such as the death of a loved one, separation from parents, or the divorce of parents. C. The third type is a typical dream. 1. Typical Dreams are dreams which are very much alike for many people. 2. The most common are dreams of deceased loved ones, wedding dreams, inappropriate dress dreams and flying dreams. 3. They may disclose emotional expression of emotional preoccupations, both negative and positive, common to everyone at one time or another. D. The fourth type are repetitive dream themes and repeated dream elements 1. The recurring dream tends to reveal you real nature. 2. Recurring dreams are usually an attempt to recognize hidden problems. CONCLUSION SUMMARY STEP: Those are some of the major dreams that people have: traumatic, recurrent, typical and repetitive dreams. ACTION STEP: I look forward that we have learned something from the speech that I have rendered. Dreams have meanings, â€Å"Scientific Meanings† which can be of use to us. Knowing these theories and explanations can help us deal with dreams that we do not understand, hence they are tools for addressing some aspects in our lives. They occur inside our head, science may never tell the exact reason why these dreams occur or recur but personally understanding it will help us deviate from false beliefs about dreams and widen our perceptions about everything we experience and see in our dreams. REFERENCE: Schneider,A. and W.Domhoff. â€Å"The Quantitative Study of Dreams.†

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

There are many differences between the two sonnets; the first difference :: English Literature

There are many differences between the two sonnets; the first difference is when they were written Christina Rossetti wrote Remember. For my essay I shall be comparing 2 sonnets, one written before 1914 and the other which was written after 1914. A sonnet is a poem but is sorted into two sections, the octave and the sestet. The octave contains eight lines and the sestet contains six lines, so altogether there are fourteen lines in a sonnet. In the octave and the sestet there is always a change of meaning. The first sonnet I am going to look at is "Remember" which is written by Christina Rossetti before 1914. This sonnet talks about death and love. In the octave Christina Rossetti is saying remember me but in the sestet she is saying forget about me, this is what is meant by change of meaning in the octave and sestet. The second sonnet I shall be looking is called "Sonnet" which is written after 1914. This sonnet is written by Edna St. Vincent Millay. "Sonnet" is about past love and not having anyone too love. In the octave she talks about the past but in the sestet she talks about the present. This is another demonstration of how the meaning has changed in the octave and sestet. The language used in "Remember" is very forceful as she repeatedly insists her partner remember her. She also covers the word death by using different phrases and metaphors like "I am gone away" and "silent land" this shows that she is scared of dying but has learnt to except it. "When you can no more hold me by the hand". This quote shows that the person Christina Rossetti is writing to is very close, considering that she is a Victorian lady she can not talk more intimately. Christina Rossetti uses phrases to make it no sound as bad "Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay". This is letting her partner know that once she has gone she can't return. Another way Christina Rossetti covers up the word death is by saying "Remember me when no more". This quote is also being forceful as she is again insisting for her partner to remember her. In the sestet there is a change of meaning. "Yet", This shows that the writer Christina Rossetti has realised what the consequence could be if her partner decides to comply with her wishes in the octave, so she decides to change her mind and tell her partner that I'd rather you forget me and be happy than remember me and be sad, "Better by far you should forget and

Monday, January 13, 2020

The Lost Thing Few Techniques

-The shape of the lost thing juxtaposes society in terms of colour and size. It is therefore ignored because of this fact (I found this post helpful http://community. boredofstudies. org/†¦ d. php? t=284556 , http://community. boredofstudies. org/†¦ d. php? t=205746) – Each individual is independent but together, they are seen as a group and belonging. which is ironic in a way? – When the lost thing was returned to the place, each of those characters was different and also the buildings inside were round compared to the human's ‘world'. There is also a sense of belonging but in what way?I can't seem to find the right word for it. – The protagonist is also seen as belonging when in the end, the frame zooms out showing that his tram is identical to the many others around it. IMG_20121113_185738. jpg – This picture shows how the society is identical and therefore they belong together IMG_20121113_185818 (1). jpg – This shows the duo goi ng against the crowd which shows not belonging and individualism. Also the crows is seen as belonging because they look the same and are walking towards the same direction IMG_20121113_185802 (1). pg So can anyone tell me if I am going on the right path in terms of finding the concepts of belonging in this text? and also what are the basis for concepts of belonging? Is it acceptance, understanding, relationships and identity? what else are there? Yes, you're on the right path, never read the picturebook but have seen the short film. The factors you have mentioned are important to belonging, but in respect to the Lost Thing I remember his isolation from family, also conformity is a big thing in it.In the picture book is there the scene where they go to the big dark place to find the lost thing's place? The tall, leering authoritarian figure is definitely something that stuck in my mind. I think the part at the end asserts that to have meaningful engagement of others, you have to have self acceptance and acceptance of others differences. It is exploring that to belong you don't have to be completely the same. The ones you have picked out are great, particularly the two protagonists visually going against the crowd.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Baroque Period Of Music - 719 Words

Unlike the Baroque period of music with its flourish and embellishments, the Classical period of music had a more structured and formal format to its music. Music of this time period, which lasted from 1750 to 1820, is distinguishable by its high-spirited and fast paced style. The most popular forms of music at this time were sonatas, symphonies, and string quartets. Although opera was still immensely enjoyed, it did not maintain the stamina it had gained in the Baroque period. Advances were being made in concertos, pieces where a soloist played the main melody while accompanied by an orchestra, and also gained popularity. Also the piano was being used more and utilized in these concertos as the solo instrument. Two men were leaders in†¦show more content†¦22 in E-flat, Third Movement. This piece demonstrates the classical model of structure and fluidity. The pianist gracefully moves through the pieces with recurring themes playing trills and cadenzas. The second man who def ined the Classical period and also began the Romantic period of music was Ludwig van Beethoven. Born and raised in Solzburg, Germany, Beethoven was also an accomplished musician at a young age. However it was not under the caring supervision that Mozart’s father granted, but the harsh beating of Beethoven’s father who would treat him violently during music lessons after coming home late from a night of drinking at a tavern. Despite this, Beethoven’s passion for music was not diminished and he moved to Vienna at age 22 where after Mozart himself praised Beethoven’s skills as a musician. In Vienna, he became very popular for his emotional works of art. Composing did not come as naturally to Beethoven as he was very self-critical and would spend months dwelling on one piece. Additionally, he was not a very personable man as he was passionate, emotional, and temperamental. These personality traits showed through his music and were only increased when he becam e deaf. But he did not let it inhibit his composing skills. Beethoven’s Symphony No 5, First Movement clearly depicted his frustration at the onset deafness that he had developed. This piece is one of his most famous as it is unpredictable and emotional. Eventually, in 1817, he hadShow MoreRelatedEssay on Ensemble Music During the Baroque Period 640 Words   |  3 PagesBaroque Period (1600-1750) Ensemble Music During the Baroque period, instrumental music was written for every conceivable size of ensemble. On the smaller side, the Baroque sonata offers one of the finest examples of chamber music. Two types of sonata are found during this period: the sonata da chiesa (church sonata), and the sonata da camera (chamber sonata). The sonata da chiesa was more somber, while the sonata da camera was, much like the suite, usually comprised of dance forms. 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